This one was a little more of a pain than I thought it would be but so worth it! I only had to use two small spools of yarn for $1.99 a piece. Instead of making felt flowers, I opted instead to purchase premade ones. It really took the headache out of it for me. White is kind of a brave choice for a door wreath so I have a feeling that I will end up moving it inside. Things to know before starting this project: Wrapping yarn sounds easy...until you end up with giants knots of yarn. It becomes hard to avoid. But if you clip smallers strands to wrap then it will make things easier on yourself. The mess is really hidden on the back of the wreath where the knots are tied. Over all, a very cute and attractive project that took up only a few hours in the evening while relaxing on the couch with the hubs.
Please forgive the play doe on the table. In this house we do fun. Not perfect;o)