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Saturday, March 17, 2012

DIY Craft's

DIY Silhouette's for the home

This tutorial is so simple that you'll wonder how you never thought of it before. 
When designing our picture shelves for the main wall in the house I wanted a ton of special pieces to 
make a home on the shelves. One of the things I had wanted to do was a Silhouette but I had no idea how to do it. So, here is what I figured out. You can use Photoshop or even a Paint program for this. 

Step 1- Take a profile shot of your subject. Make sure that it is an exact profile and that you are positioned just so that you are not too high or too low to miss any details of their profile. 

Step 2- Upload the picture into Photoshop. From here you can use the Quick Selection Tool to outline your subject. I do not suggest the lasso or the Magic wand for this. Once you have your image selected; Right click on the selection. You will then choose "Refine Edge". This will give you an opportunity to catch the small details like wisps of hair and eye lashes. Then as an option on the bottom you will see that you can turn the image black and white. For this tutorial you will make the empty space black and your subject white. Then print.

Step 3- Once your image is printed then select a durable and thick crafting paper to trace onto. You can either pencil outline your subject or cut around your stencil into the paper. I suggest using a exacto knife instead of scissors for a cleaner edge and you can get into more detailed work. 

Step 4- Completion & get creative with borders! For Bryton's silhouette I used another decorative scrap booking paper to frame it with. But you can use circular, square or decorative matting. Whatever your heart desires.... 

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and if not I hope it at least inspires you. Thank you for reading and visiting! If you have any questions please post them below and I will do what I can to help you:o)

1 comment:

  1. I love this! This will be the first project for my new computer & printer. :)


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